Cancellation/Refund Policies

Cancellation/Refund Policies

  1. When you make a Booking, you accept the applicable policies as displayed in the booking process. You’ll find each Service Provider’s cancellation policy and any other policies (e.g. age requirements, security/damage deposits, additional supplements for group Bookings, extra beds, breakfast, pets, cards accepted, etc.) on our Platform, on the Service Provider information pages, during the booking process, in the fine print, and/or in the confirmation email or ticket (if applicable).
  1. If you cancel a Booking or don’t show up, any cancellation/no-show fee or refund will depend on the Service Provider’s cancellation/no-show policy.
  1. Some Bookings can’t be canceled for free, while others can only be canceled for free before a deadline.
  1. If you book a Travel Experience by paying in advance (including all price components and/or a damage deposit if applicable), the Service Provider may cancel the Booking without notice if they can’t collect the balance on the date specified. If they do, any non-refundable payment you’ve made will only be refunded at their discretion. It’s your responsibility to make sure the payment goes through on time, that your bank, debit card, or credit card details are correct, and that there’s enough money available in your account.
  1. If you think you won’t arrive on time, contact your Service Provider and tell them when they can expect you so they don’t cancel your Booking. If you’re late, we are not liable for the consequences (e.g. the cancellation of your Booking or any fees the Service Provider may charge).
  1. As the person making the Booking, you are responsible for the actions and behavior (in relation to the Travel Experience) of everyone in the group. You’re also responsible for obtaining their permission before providing us with their personal data.

For CarRental cancellations, and refunds

  1. We go above and beyond our legal obligations. Even though local laws don’t require us to offer specific cancellation rights, we guarantee that we will honor our refunds policy if you cancel your Booking.
  1. If you cancel:
  • MORE THAN 48 hours before your rental is due to start, you’ll receive a full refund.
  • LESS THAN 48 hours before or while you’re at the rental counter, we’ll refund what you paid minus the cost of 3 days of your rental. There won’t be any refund if your car was booked for 3 days or less.
  • AFTER your rental is due to start (or if you no-show), you’ll receive no refund.
  1. The counter staff may refuse you the car if (for example):
  • You don’t arrive on time
  • You are not eligible to rent the car
  • You don’t have the documentation you need
  • The main driver doesn’t have a credit card in their own name, with enough available funds for the car’s security deposit.

If that happens, call us from the rental counter to cancel your Booking, and you’ll receive a refund, minus the cost of 3 days of your rental. Otherwise you won’t be entitled to a refund.

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266, Mezzanine Floor, Jalan KIP 4,

Taman Perindustrian KIP,

52000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Sekawan Travel & Tours Sdn BHd


Whatapps/Call: +6012-5510365



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